Eureka Engine can process data with unique speed - billions of documents per day on one server, there is a possibility of linear scaling. Eureka is a perfect solution when one needs (taken separately or together):
Processing of huge
amount of data
(hundreds of thousands
or billions of texts); -
Time efficient
thread processing
of materials per minute); -
Processing of not only
literary language
(Mass Media, external document flow),
but also of messages from social nets,
fora, blogs.
Commercial REST API allows to integrate linguistic modules of Eureka Engine in minimal time, as well as to use it for development of new services in any platform. For instance:
- Service of tagged and contextual advertising according to the subject of web-pages.
- Automatic document tagging - for news agencies and industry publication.
- Processing of a flow of incoming documents and gathered records for enterprise systems of document flow.
- Creating new and improving the quality of already existing analytic signaling systems of monitoring of incoming/outcoming document and messages flow.
- Automatic allocation and redirection of an incoming flow according to the language, topics, persons, geography and other features.
- Conflicts recession and improvement in service by early detection of the change in polarity in correspondence with partners and clients.
- Earl detection of new focuses of interest (persons, companies, products) in the field of interest.
- etc